Maria Siow
Maria Siow
Senior Correspondent, Asia
Maria Siow is a long-time China-based correspondent and analyst with keen interest in East Asia. Maria has a masters degree in international relations.

Vietnam swore in a new president on May 22 – its third in under 18 months. Yet amid all the political upheaval, analysts expect Hanoi’s China ties to endure.


But the trilateral summit promotes lower-level dialogue among senior officials, encourages key people-to-people exchanges and maintains ties, an analyst says.


China reclaiming the No 1 spot as India’s top trading partner last year was an ‘aberration’, Indian analysts say, with the government in Delhi keen to prevent a recurrence.


Southeast Asia welcomes India’s presence ‘with open arms’, New Delhi-based observers say – though there’s always a risk such military posturing could provoke an aggressive Chinese response.

Analysts say the months-long presence of two Chinese warships at Cambodia’s recently expanded Ream Naval Base points to a new transit point for China’s military ‘to stop, rest, refuel, and resupply’.

Singapore’s incoming prime minister is bracing himself for years of geopolitical unpredictability, as experts warn that heightened US-China tensions don’t leave much room for manoeuvre.


New Delhi isn’t ‘overly concerned’ by the development, analysts say – unless Dhaka decides to grant access to Chinese warships and submarines.


Of the three Aukus aspirants, New Zealand would likely find it easiest to slot into the pact’s security framework – and all would face opposition from China.


Emerging alliance expected to undertake more maritime exercises and provide greater security help to the Philippines in its South China Sea claims.


In this week’s issue of the Global Impact newsletter, we look at how Asian nations have been making moves with an eye on the ever evolving relationship between China and the United States.


Madagascar, Ivory Coast and Nigeria were first on the itinerary for Tokyo’s top diplomat this week, as she also sought to push Japan’s Indo-Pacific strategy in Sri Lanka and Nepal.

With wars raging in Ukraine, the Middle East, an emboldened North Korea, and the coming US presidential election, it is prudent Seoul not get involved in a potential Taiwan crisis, one expert said.


Washington is concerned about India’s ‘slide into illiberalism’, but it ‘doesn’t weaken [US-India ties], much less impact its future trajectory’, analysts say.


Only 14.2 per cent of respondents were confident India would ‘do the right thing’ and contribute to global stability, while 30.5 per cent had ‘little confidence’.


China has pledged to develop the Colombo International Airport and Hambantota port, and play a ‘positive role’ in Sri Lanka’s debt restructuring.


India’s foreign minister said New Delhi agrees with the Philippines ‘upholding its national sovereignty’ in the waterway, prompting China to call for ‘third countries’ not to ‘interfere’.


A new survey shows rising regional acceptance of the US-Japan-Australia-India grouping that’s been derided by Beijing as an anti-China ‘tool’. More tangible, visible projects will be needed to strengthen ties with Asean, however.


South Korea is one option, observers say. But the Vietnamese military is stuck in its ways, which may make continued covert purchases from Russia more attractive – despite the risks.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s visit comes amid a tilt by New Zealand towards US and Australian defence policy, and concerns that Wellington could join Aukus.

The port in Batanes could facilitate rapid troop deployment and serve as a transit point for supplies and evacuated Filipinos in the event of a conflict.
