

The idea of ‘sleep divorce’ hit headlines recently after Cameron Diaz espoused its benefits. Here are the pros and cons of couples sleeping in separate bedrooms, which can even benefit their sex lives.

  • A couple threw themselves into renovating the upstairs flat in an abandoned house on Lantau Island and making it their dream home
  • The result is an apartment bursting with colour and character that balances traditional Chinese design with soft furnishings, brushed brass and contemporary art

Experts say abnormal poop can signal health conditions from IBS to cancer, so we found out what healthy and unhealthy poops look like, how often you should defecate, and tips for optimum stools.

Buzzy Scandi label Lié Studio was set up by twins Amalie and Cecilie Moosgaard, who became models at the age of 15. They talk to the Post about the freedom that being behind the scenes brings.


Holistic healthcare helped Marian Alonzo overcome ill-health as a child. She and colleagues from wellness resort The Farm at San Benito in the Philippines are sharing their knowledge in Hong Kong.

Frederieke van Doorn, the founder and CEO of Hong Kong-based women’s tailoring brand Frey, explains how Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment changed her life.

Sima Taparia, aka Sima Auntie, is the star of Netflix show Indian Matchmaking. She talks to the Post about helping young people find love, her own marriage and why she always stops for photos with fans.


Reading aloud isn’t as common for adults as it is for children, but research shows the practice to be beneficial for all ages in reducing stress, improving memory and helping build intimate bonds.

A children’s book, My Extra-Special Aunty, uses illustrations by Hong Kong domestic helpers from the Philippines to show the ‘meaningful connections’ helpers have with the families they work for.


Charmaine Rangel was spurred to lose weight after being too heavy to sign up for horse riding – how she did it naturally involved exercise, intermittent fasting, diet tweaks and a health app.

The antidote to FOMO, JOMO – the joy of missing out – has physical and mental health benefits and can make us happier, experts say, who explain how to switch, including cutting back social media use.

While other male-only private clubs still exist in London, the Garrick Club’s high-profile membership triggered debate about elitism and exclusion of women in UK society

Chef and cookbook author Grace Choy tells Kate Whitehead about her ‘simple’ childhood above the family’s mahjong shop in Hong Kong and how itchy feet have led her to Tokyo.

Child marriages have become more common in India’s eastern state of West Bengal, accounting for 15.2 per cent of all child marriages in the country.


The owner of a Hong Kong micro-apartment wanted all the trappings of a bigger home – including a tub – in the first property she owned. Two young interior designers made it happen.

A sound therapy session instantly relaxed Hong Kong business owner Sukhjit Kang, leaving him feeling at peace. Sound therapists Melisa Fu O’Connor and Martha Collard explain the process.

Nicole Leung was ready to become a waitress when benefactors saw her potential and sent her to play basketball in the US college system. There she befriended fellow Hong Kong hoops star Yannie Chan.


Eating too much, or too little? We look at the difference between hunger and appetite, how a balanced diet leaves you satisfied, and share tips for how to increase, and how to manage, your appetite.

The appetite of mainland Chinese firms for premium space was not enough to stem a steady increase in the vacancy rate as more office premises came online and overall demand shrank.


Breastfeeding after high-intensity workouts can safeguard a baby’s health and lower the risk of obesity and diabetes in adult life, recent research shows – debunking myths about exercise and a mother’s milk.

Dementia, especially Alzheimer’s disease, can affect how sufferers experience taste and reduce their appetite. A professor explains why, and offers seven tips to help ensure they eat and drink enough.

Buoyed by the brisk sales of flats following the removal of Hong Kong’s property cooling measures, the city’s developers have this year launched 4,800 new units as of last week, a seven-year high.

Memories of three generations of women from Communist China, Hong Kong and California and the traumas they carried with them are at the heart of Feeding Ghosts, Tessa Hulls’ debut graphic novel.

One in three people suffer neck pain every year. Hong Kong experts break down why it is so common, and describe the lifestyle changes you can make to minimise it.

In a show staged by Italian luxury brand Tod’s on the eve of the 60th Venice Biennale, ‘The Art of Craftsmanship’, master artisans recreated the label’s classic loafer shoe using their chosen craft.

Prices of second-hand homes have increased for the first time in almost a year as the recent removal of cooling measures gave a much-needed boost to the beleaguered property market.


Möth Agency evolved to fill a gap in Hong Kong’s dance music scene, one of the DJs leading it says, but its mission extends to providing social welfare and solidarity for people who feel marginalised.

Ozempic ‘oops’ babies are sparking debate about the potential use of weight-loss drugs to improve fertility, especially for women with hormonal disorder PCOS, one of the leading causes of infertility.