

From bees and butterflies to birds and badgers, much of Britain’s wildlife is in disturbing decline resulting from development, climate change, pesticides and pollution. And then there’s the roadkill.

Greater monitoring needed after poaching traps found in city countryside, posing a cruel threat to animals and people. Stiffer fines could work but only if offenders think they will be caught

  • The idea, floated by Commodities Minister Johari Abdul Ghani, would be a play on China’s panda diplomacy
  • A new EU regulation requires palm oil suppliers to prove their products are not contributing to the deforestation that is destroying orangutan habitats

Snakebites remain a deadly threat in Nepal, especially among rural populations, but experts believe targeted awareness campaigns and increased treatment access could halve fatalities.


An adult male named Rakus chewed a plant used by people in Southeast Asia to treat pain and inflammation, then applied it to an injury on his right cheek.

Muhammad Danial Sukirman was sentenced to 20 days’ jail for causing ‘unnecessary pain and suffering’ to the felines by failing to provide adequate food and water.

Footage posted by social media users showed a saddled white horse seemingly covered in blood running through the street alongside another, black one.


The City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong’s third original musical, Shark Symphony features a dazzling range of diverse performances to tell a story based on sustainability and shark’s fin soup.

The man went on a cat-killing spree between December 2022 and September 2023 due to a deep hatred of the animal that he began harbouring after other cats scratched his car.

Cows and goats – previously thought not susceptible – have joined the list of infected animals, and a US farmworker has caught the disease after exposure to cattle.


Scientist said results offered hope of stopping disease transmission to people: ‘The biocontrol method is based on findings from nature and does not require medical interventions for humans, such as vaccines and specific treatment’.


A court in China has ordered the employee of a badminton court, who cared for a stray cat, to pay compensation to a player who was badly injured when the feline got in his way.

Hong Kong artist Kingsley Ng is asking pet owners to donate their animals’ fur so it can be made into giant balls for his exhibition at the Centre for Heritage Arts and Textile at The Mills in Tsuen Wan.

India outlawed the practice of forcing bears to dance for entertainment in 1972. Decades later, animal-rights groups thought they’d rescued the last one being held in captivity. But it turns out they were wrong.


The BBC’s wildlife team strikes gold again with Mammals, a documentary series that marvels at some of the planet’s famous and less mentioned animals, from wolves to snow leopards to Singapore’s otters.

Operators hope the ship – the first built in Japan in 73 years – will revive interest in whale meat and prop up the ailing industry, which has been surviving on subsidies.

Macaques that roam Lopburi frequently try to snatch food from humans, sometimes resulting in tussles that can leave people with scratches and other injuries.