

Articles and features on conservation, including environment, habitat loss, farming, pollution, green living, sustainability and how to follow an eco-friendly lifestyle.


Greater monitoring needed after poaching traps found in city countryside, posing a cruel threat to animals and people. Stiffer fines could work but only if offenders think they will be caught

  • Sustainable packaging firms have seen an increase in business as more food and drink companies opt for environmentally-friendly alternatives
  • Authorities introduced a throwaway plastics ban on April 22 , covering utensils such as cutlery and straws offered by takeaway outlets

For the ban to work, analysts suggest a sustained implementation strategy and better availability of economically feasible non-plastic substitutes.


Today’s forward-looking schools, in Hong Kong and around the world, are working to bring sustainability and climate change into their curricula

Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, Greenpeace and the Conservancy Association say abandoned fish ponds in area earmarked for tech hub still have ecological value.

In China, orchids are considered one of the ‘four gentlemen’ of the plant world. Find out why at an orchid festival in Hong Kong – as well as how to avoid buying an illegally harvested wild specimen.

The Advisory Council on the Environment has unanimously endorsed the environmental impact assessment report on the San Tin Technopole with eight conditions.

Readers discuss why Hong Kong’s ban on single-use plastics should be embraced, and the need for the city’s residents to do to their bit to prevent wastage of food.

India outlawed the practice of forcing bears to dance for entertainment in 1972. Decades later, animal-rights groups thought they’d rescued the last one being held in captivity. But it turns out they were wrong.


A Hong Kong musical promoting marine conservation and decrying shark’s fin soup, Shark Symphony is a mix of arts: throat singing, contortionism, acrobatics and belly dancing, backed by an orchestra.


The global drinks giant said all 500ml bottles for Coca-Cola Original, Coca-Cola No Sugar and Coca-Cola Plus in Hong Kong have shifted to recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET), the first such use of the material in China.


The museum has been encouraging members of the public to photograph colourful jumping spiders as part of a mission to boost awareness of the natural world.

Around 2 million tonnes of plastic waste is created each year in Thailand, according to official figures, in a nation seemingly addicted to plastic.


Asiatic black bears, as moon bears are also known, are classified as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of endangered species. Across Asia, thousands are kept as pets or farmed to extract their bile.