
US Presidential Election 2020i

On November 3, 2024, American voters chose between Republican incumbents President Donald Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence, and Democratic nominee Joe Biden and his running mate, Senator Kamala Harris. Despite winning both the popular vote and the Electoral College, Biden's claim to the White House was challenged multiple times in court by the Trump campaign and members of the Republican party - without success.


The vote in the House of Representatives showed there will be no attempt by the Republicans to reconcile themselves with what Trump did on January 6. In fact, the many steps ahead will offer Republicans numerous opportunities to spread misinformation.


While some thought the certification of Biden’s win after the ransacking of the Capitol would be the beginning of the end for Trump, the opposite has occurred as shown by Senator Chuck Grassley’s appearance alongside Trump at a rally over the weekend.

  • The 2024 US election campaign enters unprecedented territory after jury in hush-money trial returns guilty verdict
  • US$39 million raised for Trump after he becomes the first former US president convicted of a crime

An ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag, which was carried by rioters during the January 6 insurrection, was displayed outside Justice Samuel Alito’s beach holiday home.


Trump’s former fixer Michael Cohen, the prosecution’s final witness, said he pocketed most of a sum of money which was meant for a tech company that did work for Trump’s firm.


Shortly before being served, the ex-New York mayor had taken to social media to taunt officials, saying they must dismiss the charges if they couldn’t find him.


Jurors heard audio clips of Cohen saying the case ‘fills me with delight’ and that he felt ‘giddy with hope and laughter’ imagining Trump and his family in jail.


China made advances in AI, big data analytics and deepfakes; its initiatives already detected in elections in Australia, Canada and Taiwan, says Avril Haines.


US Senator Bob Menendez went on trial in Manhattan federal court, accused of accepting bribes of gold and cash to use his influence to deliver favours that would help three New Jersey businessmen.

Donald Trump’s one-time fixer and the star prosecution witness at the former president’s criminal trial testified how the then-Republican candidate directed him to pay a porn actress to bury revelations of an alleged tryst.

The decision comes a day after a Florida judge postponed the classified documents trial indefinitely, as the list of stalled cases against the ex-US president grows.


Jailing Trump would almost certainly inflame his already loyal base of supporters and in their minds further Trump’s narrative that he is being politically persecuted.


The judge in the criminal hush money trial of Donald Trump said he will consider prison time for the former president for additional violations of the gag order.

Former US president Donald Trump has sharpened his allegation that his Democratic successor has weaponised the US justice system against him, comparing Joe Biden’s tactics to those of Hitler’s secret police.

Such a delay would be significant because of the broad expectation that, should the ex-US president reclaim the White House, he would order the case dropped.

The felony indictments, which allege a conspiracy to award Arizona’s slate of electors to Donald Trump, are the latest effort by a state to hold accountable those who backed Trump’s false claim that he won the 2020 presidential vote.


New York prosecutors portrayed US$130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels as a criminal effort to deceive voters when Trump was facing other accusations of crude sexual behaviour.


Donald Trump is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records as part of a scheme to conceal a US$130,000 pay-off made to porn star Stormy Daniels.

Donald Trump is being investigated over his role in hush money payments made to porn star Stormy Daniels in 2016. Jury selection expected to resume on Tuesday.

Trump called his ex-lawyer Michael Cohen and porn star Stormy Daniels ‘two sleaze bags who have, with their lies and misrepresentations, cost our Country dearly!’ on his Truth Social platform.


Donald Trump faces 34 counts of allegedly falsifying business records for paying ‘hush money’ to porn star Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 election to cover up a sexual encounter.

Trump said he favours exceptions for cases of rape, incest and saving life of the mother. Call for national ban could have hurt his chances in states likely to determine November election.


Willis’ first day in office coincided with the news that Trump asked Georgia’s state secretary to ‘find votes’, but she was nearly pulled from the case due to an improper romantic relationship

Biden and ex-presidents will take part in discussion moderated by Stephen Colbert at Radio City Music Hall. Event will raise US$5 million more than Trump drummed up during all of February.

Trump has pleaded not guilty to falsifying business records to hide US$130,000 payment to porn star before the 2016 election to silence her about alleged sexual encounter a decade earlier.

If Trump puts up US$175 million, it will stop clock on collection of US$454 million judgment and prevent state from seizing former US president’s assets while he appeals.
