
Coronavirus pandemic: All storiesi

An outbreak of a new strain of coronavirus was first reported in Wuhan, China. It has since spread across the world and the World Health Organisation has declared a global pandemic. Seeking to distinguish the virus from the disease it causes, the virus has been named SARS-CoV-2 and the disease Covid-19.


The Swiss-based body says it is investigating students who posted questions for university entrance exams online, revealing them to thousands of students in other time zones

Talks on trade imbalances and Ukraine war await Chinese president as he first heads to France in pursuit of ‘pragmatic’ European policy, then Serbia and Hungary, before returning to host Vladimir Putin.

  • Visitors who cannot pre-book through Chinese apps – requiring a WeChat account and ability to read Chinese – are locked out of many attractions
  • While locals may have greater access to museum-hopping and other activities, obstacles may affect China’s soft power abroad as well as tourism, say analysts

Visa delays and insufficient flight capacity have held back a full recovery in China’s outbound travel after the Covid-19 pandemic, CEO Jane Sun says.


Hua Chunying, who has been a foreign ministry spokeswoman since 2012, is the youngest of the five vice-foreign ministers and the only woman.


The People’s Bank of China keeps a running tab of big policy moves, and it shows that trillions of yuan worth of support measures have been rolled out since 2021.

American agency accuses disease ecologist of taking part in ‘improper conduct’ as head of group that collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

CEO Pascal Soriot is working to ensure AstraZeneca can independently supply drugs to major markets as the US pushes to reduce the industry’s reliance on China.

Premiering out of competition at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival, An Unfinished Film, from Chinese director Lou Ye, delivers a powerful message in its story of Covid-induced lockdown in Wuhan.

Ma mobilised thousands of medical staff to help during major outbreaks while arguing in favour of stringent testing, quarantines and lockdowns.


Case is third public body security breach in a week, after revelation of leaks at Electrical and Mechanical Services Department as well as the Consumer Council.

Scientist defends collaboration with Wuhan lab as yielding ‘direct public health benefits’ for the US, with virus work saving ‘countless lives’.


Ebrahim Raisi, the first Iranian leader to visit Sri Lanka since 2008, says the project marks his country’s ability to share knowledge with other nations.


Since the pandemic, US East Coast ports have invested in expanded container terminals, adopted new technology for inventory management and made other upgrades.
